Jovan Jovanović Zmaj

Jovan Jovanović Zmaj (Novi Sad, 6. decembar 1833 — Sremska Kamenica, 14. jun 1904) bio je srpski pesnik, dramski pisac, prevodilac i lekar. Smatra se za jednog od najvećih liričara srpskog romantizma. Po zanimanju je bio lekar, a tokom celog svog života bavio se uređivanjem i izdavanjem književnih, političkih i dečjih časopisa. Njegove najznačajnije zbirke pesama su „Đulići“ i „Đulići uveoci“, prva o srećnom porodičnom životu, a druga o bolu za najmilijima. Pored lirskih pesama, pisao je satirične i političke pesme, a prvi je pisac u srpskoj književnosti koji je pisao poeziju za decu.
Jovan Jovanović Zmaj je izabran za prvog potpredsednika Srpske književne zadruge i izradio je njen amblem.
They’re opening a school,
I don’t know if you’ve heard,
Just for little ducklings –
I know, it seems absurd.
They opened up this school,
But not for any bird,
Just for little ducklings –
I know, it seems absurd.
The ducklings took their seats
And stood up on their toes,
The old drake looked around,
Placed glasses on his nose.
Then for the presence sheet,
He called out every bird,
Each answered to its name –
I know, it seems absurd.
The old drake walked about
With quite a serious look,
He taught them and taught them
With the stick and the book.
He taught them and taught them
About science and art,
Yet the ducklings never got
Much further than the start.
You see, after all that,
Try and try as he might,
The professor’s ambition
Was a truly hopeless plight.
For learning, the ducklings
Did not have a knack,
All they could do was say:
“Quack, quack, quack, quack!”
School for Ducklings and Other Poems / Pačija škola i druge pesme
Originalna cena je bila: 1,000.00 RSD.910.00 RSDTrenutna cena je: 910.00 RSD.Jovan Jovanović Zmaj
Dvojezično izdanje srpsko-englesko
Translated from the Serbian original by Una Dimitrijević
Žanr: Poezija
Godina izdanja: 2019.
Povez: Broširani (mek)
Pismo: Latinica
Format: 12x19cm
Broj strana: 220